Patent Attorney Wolfgang Weiß
Dipl.-Chem., Dr. rer. nat., European Patent Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney
German Patent Attorney since 1993
European Patent Attorney since 1993
European Trademark and Design Attorney since 1996
Partner since 1994
Richard-Strauss-Straße 80
81679 München
+49 (0)89 - 45563 0
Fields of Activity
- Patent grant and opposition proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office, nullity proceedings before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Court of Justice and infringement proceedings before the civil courts
- Licensing and cooperation agreements
- Freedom-to-operate analyses
- Due diligence analyses
- Strategic advice
- Best Lawyers (Intellectual Property Law, Germany) since 2009
- IAM Patent 1000 recommended individual (Germany) 2021
- JUVE Patent (Litigation: Patent Attorneys, Germany) recommended individual 2020
- Studied Chemistry with focus on biochemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (diploma 1985)
- Worked for three years as research assistant at the Institute for Biochemistry of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, focusing on research of transcription in prokaryotic organisms
- Doctoral thesis on the termination of transcription of T7 RNA polymerase (Dr. rer. nat. 1989)
- Has been working in intellectual property since 1989
Memberships and other activities
- German Chamber of Patent Attorneys (Patentanwaltskammer)
- epi (European Patent Institute)
- FICPI (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys)
- German
- English
- Repeated publications on current and subject-specific topics on intellectual property rights, e.g.
- “Patent Protection vs. Public Interest, Patenting AI in Life Sciences” (2021)
- “Clinical trials and personalised medicines – life science patentability issues in Europe 2020”
- “Eligiblity issues, Antibodies, CRISPER -life science patentability issues in Europe 2019”
- "Patenting stem cells and genes in Europe" (2017)
- "Patenting personalised medicines in Europe" (2018)